Turner’s Falls Downtown




Made possible by community support, plants add life and beauty to a recovering downtown.

Turner’s Falls Downtown

In 2016, students from Franklin County Technical School’s horticulture class renovated, planted and mulched a number of the planter beds in downtown Turner’s Falls. Since then more planters have been renovated with the help of many volunteers, and to date over 800 durable perennials and 800 bulbs have been planted. Funding for these planter renovations come directly from the local community. Local Harmony procured materials at wholesale cost and professional landscape design was donated by Abound Design.

Local Harmony organized the installation process of each planter while also explaining the ins- and-outs of the project in a workshop format. Horticulture students from FCTS gained first-hand experience and perspective by participating in this high-profile, professional-grade project. Each planter bed is designed to provide texture and color throughout the entire growing season.

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