We believe we are all Earth stewards, born to work together with the potential of nature. Systems that are beneficial to the health of the planet can be created and encouraged if we follow Earth’s lead and learn from its design (see Gaian Model).
We offer a lens into how regeneration can happen on a wide scale. On this page you can also find practical ways in which you and your community can help make this happen. Some are activities we have initiated locally, but everything here is designed for anyone to use — open-source, duplicatable grassroots tools for building community and abundance. Take these ideas, such as the CSA and public talks, make them your own, and expand and improve upon them.
Below are models that can be used to build a regenerative future.

One of the main hurdles for wider-scale regeneration is connecting people who want to help with places that need it. Establishing an easy-to-manage and easy-to-access portal for volunteers provides a vehicle that helps solve this problem. Local groups with shared interests in stewarding the landscape create and mutually promote a website that lists and describes opportunities for volunteers to participate in.
This template makes stewardship accessible to people who want to take care of the natural world around them. We apply this by offering a web portal for volunteers in Western Massachusetts.
Regenerative Pollinator CSA
We all can create abundance on a wider scale by regenerating the landscape around us. This requires ongoing and reliable access to plants. The Regenerative CSA model fills this need, providing members with direct access to growers’ perennials, shrubs and trees at less-than-retail cost.
This template is a powerful tool to drive regeneration on a grassroots level. CSA participants support local nurseries, who in turn make plants available, which benefits the landscape while encouraging ecosystem diversity and resilience.
This template can be applied towards any focus (natives, medicinals, permaculture). In 2020, we are collaborating with local growers in Western Massachusetts to offer native, pollinator plant CSAs

Free Public Talks
Most communities have valuable human resources and assets that go largely unnoticed or underappreciated. In many cases these resources are of great interest to the local community, who may otherwise not have access to them, and this easy-to-apply model provides that.
Using this template, speakers mutually co-organize a free-to-the-public series. Participants use their respective networks to promote it, enabling extensive, yet inexpensive, outreach to the greater public. In this way, experts make their knowledge and skills available to the community while also gaining exposure.
This approach can be applied to anything: poetry readings, musical performances, permaculture practices, cooking and nutrition, etc. We apply it to talks on herbalism given in a community garden that we created.
The Gaian Model
The cycle of growth, death and regeneration makes life on planet Earth possible. This is what defines the Gaian model at its core. From that core emerges other interdependent systems that help to ensure sustainability and balance.
Living in accordance with and support of these natural cycles and rhythms helps to grow and maintain abundance. The Earth is fertile and abundance emerges when tended in sync with its natural rhythms and behavioral tendencies. When we live in harmony with the Gaian model, the Earth and all her habitants — humans included — can find wellbeing and balance.
We apply this model when growing community gardens, spearheading regeneration projects, and sharing perspectives and templates that empower community. We encourage others to apply this model to all systems, individually and collectively.